IJAMS published by Himalayiya Ayurvedic Yog Evam Prakartik Chikitsa Sansthan.
Author: admin
HAMC&H emerged as a consequence of pain felt by its founders regarding the service and quality of Ayurveda which hurt them till the bottom of their soul. It is not merely an Institute, but a saga, a prayer made by its founders for the God Dhanwantari.
It is a noble attempt stream in the field of Ayurveda, contributing to the society and at the same time keeping its ancient soul alive. The institute emerged as result ofjoint efforts by Chief Patron Honorable Chairman, Honorable Secretary and other patrons under the shade of ‘Himalayiya Ayurvedic Yog Ewam Prakritik Chikitsa Sansthan’ on 16 Feb, 2005.
The dream took shape when the institute got its approval from the Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) New Delhi on 7 August, 2006. Situated amidst lush green environs of Shyampur, the institute is on its way to prove the dreams of their founders true, working with efficient staff and people dedicated up to limits of their livingness the institute is converting the darkness of Ayurveda into a brilliant future. Teaching 60 students in each batch admitted every year the institute makes them feel blessed for studying Ayurveda.